The Growth of Never Give Up Day Through City Proclamations

When I founded Never Give Up Day, I had no idea how far it would go. Back then, I never imagined that so many major cities across the U.S. and Canada would officially proclaim August 18 as Never Give Up Day. But every great movement begins with a single step—and my first step was reaching out to a city in Illinois.

That small city was the first to show interest. At the time, I couldn’t believe that even one U.S. city might officially recognize my event. Although they didn’t follow through—not because of rejection, but simply because the process fizzled out—it gave me the confidence to approach more city mayors. And then, something incredible happened: an avalanche of positive responses began pouring in.

The first U.S. city to officially proclaim Never Give Up Day was Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I’ll never forget receiving the signed proclamation from the mayor—it was a moment of validation, proof that what I had envisioned resonated with others. Another memorable conversation was with the mayor of Las Cruces, New Mexico. Although their proclamation came a bit later, the warmth and sincerity of that discussion stayed with me.

By the end of that first year, an astonishing 137 cities across the United States and Canada had officially proclaimed Never Give Up Day. Major U.S. cities like Houston, Phoenix, Fort Worth, Austin, San José, Charlotte, Baltimore, Memphis, and Virginia Beach joined the movement. From Canada, cities like Halifax, Brampton, Regina, and Victoria added their voices to this growing celebration.

The overwhelming support from these cities wasn’t just about proclamations—it was a powerful confirmation of what I always believed: that Never Give Up Day has the potential to become a nationwide, even global, celebration. It showed that the spirit of perseverance and resilience resonates deeply across communities of all sizes, in every corner of society.

This journey, from a single idea to widespread recognition, is a testament to the power of persistence. Never Give Up Day itself exists because I never gave up on it—and that’s the essence of what the day represents.

Thank you to all the city leaders, communities, and individuals who have supported this vision. Together, we’re turning Never Give Up Day into a celebration of resilience, determination, and hope—one that inspires people everywhere to keep going, no matter the challenges.

Thank you.